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Saving the world is definitely a team sport, especially when you're working at such a grass roots level, impacting Nations one community, one family, sometimes one individual at a time. Some organizations will have a wide spectrum of associated assets to draw upon as needed to support their charitable goals. WACSN relies upon the sincere desire of people and businesses to see the need through our eyes and to then provide what they can.
In the case of baby Grace, a Liberian child who was born with severe physical defects necessitating reconstructive abdominal surgery, WACSN was able to recognize the need, but within the group, did not have the skills needed to affect the needed change. (Please read about her story here). So what happened next, to us, was miraculous. Below are listed the individuals who had to step beyond their normal daily duties to care about Grace, and to help bring together a series of events so that this little girl could be healed. Please recognize the great good affected by these individuals and their organizations. To us, this represents the hand of God working in our society.
Speaking Thru Me Ministries
Leigh Gray
Ginger Moore
Vice President/Co-Founder
Emergency Services
Gary M. Howard RN, MHA, MBA
Director of Emergency Services
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
1301 Medical Center Drive Rm 1569 TVC
Nashville, TN 37232-7240

2200 Children’s Way, Suite 2410
Nashville, TN 37232-9900
Dr. Kelvin Churchwell
Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Wallace Neblett
Mike McConnell
Mary Kate Mouser
Caroline S. Hale
Project Coordinator

Veronica L. Wilson, -
External Affairs & Community Relations
Frank Wrenn, -
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Liz Piercy,
Executive Director

Pastor Ken Castleberry
505 Cunniff Parkway
Goodlettsville, TN 37072
Ms. Beverly, Russ & kids, Gennie, TC & kids, and Amanda & Russ
Rebecca Norton,